EMS machine for extreme strength gains

EMS or electrical muscle stimulator is a machine that sends electrical pulses to a given muscle and allows the muscle to contract at a level that is unattainable through conventional training. The EMS machine has been used since the 1950's particularly in Europe and Russia. I will discuss its uses to training, bodybuilding and rehabilitation.

The EMS machine can be used as a supplement to training after a strenuous workout by placing the pads on the body part that has been worked on and turning the machine on low for 15 minutes. The machine will allow blood to circulate to the muscle and bring in important nutrients to help the muscle rebuild to optimum level. To maximize strength gains with the EMS machine you must use the highest level you can handle and keep it on for a few minutes.

Bodybuilders can use the machine to help with recovery between workouts and also to improve strength gains. The strength gains will allow the bodybuilder to lift more and in turn be able to grow accordingly.

One of the most important uses of the EMS machine is its ability to help dramatically with rehabilitation. The EMS machine helps with rehabilitation by working all of the muscle fibres in the area in which the pad is set. When someone has an injury the muscles around that injury tend to be neglected because of the pain but the EMS machine allows the muscles to be stimulated with a minimal amount of pain. I had a knee injury due to hockey and I thought I would have to quit playing but after a few weeks of using the EMS machine I was back on the ice and my knee felt stronger than before.


The bench press is probably the most popular exercise in all of bodybuilding. Even people who do not train are familiar with the bench press and use it as a method of measuring strength. No one messes with a guy that can bench press 400 lbs. THis article will describe how I increased my bench from 225 lbs. to 345 lbs. in 3 months.
First, lets get the nutrition part out of the way because we all know how important proper nutrition is in helping the body rebuild muscle tissue after an intense workout. It is also important to supplement with a good protein powder, I use EAS Whey protein because I think it is the best. Drink plenty of water because your body needs it to function properly and to build muscle tissue.
Now for the training part. Here is where I might get blasted by all the bodybuilding professionals but I don't care because It worked like a magic for me. A few years ago I had read an article on static contractions. Static contractions is where you lift a superior amount of weight in the target contraction area for 10-20 seconds. For example, on the bench press you load the bar with 500 lbs. and hold it in the peak contraction without locking any joints. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SPOTTER! Have the bar already in the position of the peak contraction so that you only have to lift the bar a few inches. You might be surprised to see yourself lifting a very heavy weight the first time you try this exercise. Do three sets of static contraction bench press with the heaviest weight possible for 10-20 seconds.
Following the static contractions, just do some incline bench with barbells for three sets with the heaviest weights possible. The trick is to use the heaviest weights in every possible lift so that your brain sends a message to your muscles that they have to grow and get stronger because they are bombarded with heavy weights. Flies are a good way to work the pectorals and you can use static contractions for this exercise also.
To really exhaust the pectorals you should finish your workout with plyometrics. Some of my favourites for chest are : the jumping push up( push up where you push yourself off the ground) and the heavy bag pushes. If you have access to a heavy punching bag you can push the punching bag with one arm at a time and try to be as explosive as possible when pushing. Let the bag come back to you and catch it with the same arm. Another good plyo exercise is medecine ball throws. Make sure the medecine ball is heavy enough and that you put 100% into every throw.
That's it! Go heavy, Give it 100% and you will increase your bench guaranteed.

This website is designed to provide information to hardcore athletes so that they can bring their game up that extra level. We will be discussing training, supplements, nutrition and unorthodox methods of gaining strength.